We the board, after long consideration, have decided at this time that the line project should be put off to a later date.
The Line Project was to replace all 3+ miles of our water lines and isolation valves that run throughout the community. This would have allowed us a more robust system, removal of all galvanized lines as well as providing a solution to eliminate or significantly reduce line breaks. Estimated cost was around $1.5M
Many factors were considered regarding this decision. The primary reason is our community is not considered "disenfranchised" by those agencies who provide grants ie., USDA, WIFA, ADEQ, ACC. Thus, any monies needed to complete this project, as of now, would come from a loan. Note that a loan can be applied for at anytime moving forward. In order to complete this project at today's interest rates, it would be a cost of roughly $75 per patron for 30 years.
In the end, we have decided to move forward with a rate increase to keep the water company alive and pumping. We are being told that the ACC (Arizona Corporation Commission) will provide us an answer to our proposed rate increase by the end of 2023. Unfortunately, due to the lack of rate increases over the decades, inflation and other factors, the rate increase had to take presidence. At the very least, we need to keep delivering clean water to our patrons with the infrastructure we have.
In the meantime, we will do out best to continue fixing the line breaks that occur as quickly as possible. We appreciate your patience and understanding as these repairs occur and are completed.
We do have a few other projects that are being completed this summer to assist us in shoring up our operations in hopes to elevate the issues we had in our 2023 winter. We will keep you updated as we move forward. Thank you. Your BCWC Board

Inlet from Stream/Water Source

Pump House/Purification

Holding/Distribution Tanks

Community Line Map
Above is the process of how you receive your water.
We pump from our creek through our intake. The water arrives to the pump house and gets filtered. Once the water is thoroughly treated it is then pumped to our storage tanks. The water is then gravity fed and delivered to your home through our community buried water lines.

Exterior Galvanized Pipe

Interior Galvanized Pipe
Above is a piece of our actual 60+ year old 2" galvanized water line. Galvanized lines however are not the quality of standard any longer and haven't been for decades. Galvanized lines, over long periods of time, have shown they can be harmful.
The interior photo is good news from the standpoint that it shows the pipe is in good condition. That is a testament to how good our water is. There is virtually no corrosion on the interior.
However, at a closer look to the exterior of the pipe, we see significant corrosion. This corrosion from the galvanized piping is seeping into the ground water and over time will continue to weaken our pipe infrastructure.

Exposed Lines

Exposed Lines

Ken Nagy repairing 3" Line Break July 10, 2024 on Big Als Run. Thanks to John Goulette for his help.

Main Lines are located in our rain runoff ditches. Gila County will not grade the community until all lines are relocated.

New 4" C900 Pipe

New 4" Valves
PROJECT FINANCING Bonita Creek has been determined non "disenfranchised".

Improved Intake