2023 Project Page Photo.jpg

Providing natures spring water for generations to come.

The board would like to thank ALL the current and past volunteers for their generous time, efforts and gifts over the years. Without volunteers, Bonita Creek and the water company, would not be what it is today.

2023 has been a difficult year for the water company however we came together and overcame.  We were in hopes that we would be able to complete the infrastructure project however a rate increase proved to be more important for the survival of the water company.

Our goal, as the current board, is to provide a water company, through continued volunteer help, that will outlive us and continue to be a success in providing our patrons with natures purified resource for decades to come.   We should all be very proud of what was, is and will be accomplished through everyones continued efforts. Through these efforts, we continue to build on that foundation to make Bonita Creek an even better place to call home.  Thank You!

2023 Board Projects

January 2023

~ Current sand filter of 65 years quit
~ Kyle, water hauling for community
~ New sand filter arrival & install
~APS electrical repair to pump house
~DHC relieved of meter reading
~Remain in Stage 4, conserving

February 2023

~USDA income survey results 
~President handles monthly readings
~Ken Nagy, water operator of record
~ Adjustments save BCWC $500/mo
~Monthly testing at Aquatic Consulting
~Coliform test passed, pumping again

March 2023

~Infrastructure project discussed
~ Kyle Diselvestro Starts Meter Reads


April 2023

~ Current board 2 year anniversary 4/21


May 2023

~ Board meeting May 20th
~ Infrastructure Line Project on Hold

June 2023

~ Volunteer Stream Intake Diversion  

July 2023

~ Smart Water Meter Transmit Testing.   
~ Pump House Trees Cut Down

August 2023

~ Dan Utz, New Water Operator Starts
~ Roads/ Easement Grading & Material

September 2023



October 2023

November 2023

~ Storage Tanks Automation Begins

December 2023