Providing natures spring water for generations to come.
The board would like to thank ALL the current and past volunteers for their generous time, efforts and gifts over the years. Without volunteers, Bonita Creek and the water company, would not be what it is today.
2022 is another big year for the water company and still going. We are in hopes that this year, or possibly 2023, we will be able to complete our water infrastructure plan and have a water system that will provide an ease of use, efficiency and reliability for decades to come.
Our goal, as the current board, is to provide a water company, through continued volunteer help, that will outlive us and continue to be a success in providing our patrons with natures purified resource for decades to come. We should all be very proud of what was, is and will be accomplished through everyones continued efforts. Through these efforts, we continue to build on that foundation to make Bonita Creek an even better place to call home. Thank You!